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来源:无损检测资源网 时间:2022-07-02 作者:无损检测资源网 浏览量:

GB/T12604.10—2011《无损检测术语 磁记忆检测》
1 范围
2 术语和定义
2.1 金属磁记忆metal magnetic memory MMM
2.2 自有漏磁场self-magnetic leakage field SMLF
2.3 磁记忆检测magnetic memory testing MMT
2.4 磁记忆显示图magnetic memory testing display(MMT display)
2.5 磁记忆异常信号abnormal magnetic memory signal
2.6 磁记忆检测通道MMT channel
2.7 多通道磁记忆检测仪multichannel magnetic memory testing instrument
2.8 磁记忆传感器MMT sensor
2.9 磁记忆阵列传感器MMT array sensor
2.10 磁位错磁滞回线magneto-dislocation hysteresis
2.11 局部稳定性破环区的临界值critical size of the local zones of instability of the shell of a component
2.12 自有漏磁场的强度SMLF intensity
2.13 自有漏磁场的梯度SMLF gradient
2.14 梯度因子factor of SMLF gradient
2.15 强屈评价因子evaluating factor of the material deformation capability
2.16 两个检测通道之间的基准距离base distance between two MMT channels △L
2.17 磁记忆信号的记录间距distance between two adjacent MMT signal recording points
2.18 磁记忆检测仪的标定calibration of the equipment used to measure the metal magnetic memory
2.19 干扰因素interfere factors
2.20 磁记忆信号平面显示图MMT signal planar display
2.21 磁记忆信号时基显示图MMT signal time-base display
2.22 磁记忆信号A扫描显示图MMT signal A-scan display
2.23 磁记忆信号极坐标显示图MMT signal polar coordinates display
2.24 磁记忆信号色斑显示图MMT signal color and splash display
2.25 磁记忆信号三维显示图MMT signal three dimensions display


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